Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bits and Pieces about This and That

Bits and Pieces about This and That

Those DDoS attacks kind of pisses me off. Not that spam-court is that important. In the big picture, this site is hardly worth mentioning at all. You have probably never seen a site with so few hits, except when it's DDoS time.
Search engines and robots like though. That could explain why the spammers at dislike the site. So much that they have initiated 4 attacks on the site (or is it 5, I have lost count).
The pure fact that this is criminal activity pisses me off.

I would like to see some of the members of bulkerforum go down. Hard.
Especially the moderators. Swank, Phantom and Crypto.

Rumors are going around that Swank is a bit more active than we at thought a few months ago.
He is an american and it should be possible to take him down. The authorities are a bit more interested in guys like him now than only a few years back. His identity is known. The rest should be relatively easy.

Phantom is from Australia. He is slippery and there are different opinions about who he is. His own bragging is what probably has led to his identification. By us. But we quite can't believe it ourselves, it seems a bit unlikely. Little pieces and fractions of info from here and there, coupled together gives a preliminary picture of a small corner of the puzzle. Others disagree and have their own opinion.
Time will show. He is being watched and we think that in the long run the only way to avoid identification is going out of business. But he is not "ezy" to find and he "magically" disappears when you think you got him. And we don't know how concerned the authorities in Australia are regarding this kind of criminal activity.

Crypto, the Moldovian expert on copyright and hacking will probably live peacefully. I don't think the authorities there will go after him. also has an admin. In the beginning we thought it could be Crypto, but their writing styles are different.
Their mistreatment of the english language is different too. We have an idea about who he is. Or more correctly, in what branch of the spamming business he operates in. He is probably a Russian, living in Russia. Usually that means he can do what he wants.

A few of the other members of the forum are a bit interesting too. But the forum has turned into a comedy lately. Scamming each other, paranoia is spreading, there is talk about starting another forum etc. Social engineering is out of the question, they are seeing ghosts in broad daylight. Our sources dried out too.

We never thought the spammers would resort to DDoS-ing That was very naive and stupid. The site is hosted in a shared environment, which is not a good idea when you are the victim of an attack. A DDoS can affect other users on Dreamhosts servers. That is our main concern. Not spam-court going down, we can live with that. Dreamhost support has been fantastic during the attacks and we are wondering if there is any host like that out there at all. But in the long run we don't think it can be hosted on a shared server. And a dedicated server is out of the question. So we are going somewhere in the middle that means that spam-court may go down, but it will not effect the other users. Hopefully.

New content is possible from the middle of September.
If the site is still up.
If not, some of the old content and new stuff will be up at , and a couple of other places.

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About Me

Take a web site down with a DDoS and you get multiple spin-offs, and the information you tried to suppress proliferates. In fact, everyone wants to see what the fuss was about, and it becomes even more widely known. Karma. Get used to it.