Thursday, November 22, 2007


Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Nickname says it all.
His post #5 on

Let me to bring to your attention professional DDoS service!
Quality is guaranteed by uniqueness of the updated and supported software. Huge, constantly growing quantity of bots worldwide online.
Destroy a site of the competitor!!!
The prices depend on duration and complexity of the project.
For information welcome in the icq.
For all questions: ICQ support 448845. skype ss_support1

Moderators Dollar and Crypto are not totally happy about that post.
A bit strange regarding Crypto when reading his greetings to AbdAllah, but who knows what's inside these guys' brains.
Crypto has not been showing too much intelligence in his posts, so it is perhaps not so strange after all.

Phantom rushes to the defense of ProfDDoS:
I have to disagree here guys LOL this person has been of great service to us all without you even knowing about it ..Thanks guy

ProfDDoS is the same guy as, or in bed with .....damn I lost that part.

[end of Ducks' posting]

Note: ProfDDoS is the same guy as, or in bed with "Caesar" on bulkerforum.

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About Me

Take a web site down with a DDoS and you get multiple spin-offs, and the information you tried to suppress proliferates. In fact, everyone wants to see what the fuss was about, and it becomes even more widely known. Karma. Get used to it.